
Run Android on your PC

Donate to us on Paypal


This is an open source project. Like most other open source projects, we are volunteers that work without paid. Your support is one of the most important reasons why we continue working on it.

We recieve a lot of requests such like :

We cannot help, unless we have that device to debug and test. We are not rich enough to buy every device that the community asks us to support.

If you are a vendor that plans to ship or has already shipped products based on Android-x86, you should seriously consider making a donation. Because the more mature and successful our project becomes, the more better your products will be.


We accept devices, money and developers.

Needless to say, we need more devices. We hope to support more wide range of devices. If you hope we support your netbook/tablet, consider to donate one. If you are a manufacturer, donate your products so we can support them.

The project doesn't need much money to run. Most of the resources we use are free services provided by the open source community or sponsors, except the DNS registration. However, money donation is helpful. At least it makes us happier, even $10 USD. We can buy some beers. :-)

If you are a vendor working on Android-x86 based products, ask your developers to work with us, and contribute back your bug fixes and improvements.


The project is founded by Chih-Wei Huang (cwhuang in Taiwan) and Yi Sun (beyounn in U.S.). We have developers from Italy, Brazil, French, England, America, Japanese, China Mainland and Korea, etc. See the credits page for more information on who all are involved.

How ?

For financial support, please consider to donate via Ethereum address:

If you'd like to donate money, just click the paypal icon shown in the page, and fill the necessary information.

If you are going to donate some devices, send a private email to contact at