Run Android on your PC
Release Note 4.4-r1
The is glad to announce the 4.4-r1 release to public. This is the first stable release Android-x86 4.4 (kitkat-x86). A live CD ISO is available in the following site:
Key Features
The 4.4-r1 release is based on the Android 4.4.2 (KitKat-MR1 release). We have fixed and added x86 specified code to let the system runs smoothly on x86 platforms, especially for tablets and netbooks. The key features contain
- Integrate the ffmpeg as the stagefright-plugins to support much more multimedia files. Now we can play HD and full HD videos in apps.
- Use the latest longterm stable kernel 3.10.52 with more drivers enabled. Most netbooks can run Android-x86 in the native resolution.
- OpenGL ES hardware acceleration for AMD Radeon and Intel chipsets (PowerVR chips are NOT supported).
- Enhance the installer to support upgrade from previous versions (since ics-x86). The text based GUI installer supports ext3/ext2/ntfs/fat32 filesystems.
- KitKat style lanucher (Trebuchet).
- Support Multi-touch, Wifi, Audio, Bluetooth, G-sensor and Camera.
- Support Huawei 3G modem.
- Simulate sdcard by internal storage.
- External usb drive and sdcard are auto mounted to /storage/usbX on plugging. Support filesystem vfat/ntfs/exfat/ext4.
- Support hybrid mode of iso images.
- Multi-user support (max 8).
- Support Ethernet (DHCP only).
- Support 5-point touch calibration on some devices.
- Support VM like Qemu and VMware.
Released Files
We tried to create a universal image for most x86 platforms for the kitkat-x86 release. The plan is still in an experimental stage. Please report bugs to the android-x86 forum with detailed specs of your machine and error logs.
The iso file is hybrid format. That means you can dump the iso into a usb drive and get a bootable usb stick, like
dd if=android-x86-4.4-r1.iso of=/dev/sdX
where /dev/sdX is the device name of your usb drive.
Known Issues
- Suspend and resume may not work on some systems.
- The installer can't format ext3 filesystem.
Source code
The source code is available in the main git server.
repo init -u git:// -b android-x86-4.4-r1
repo sync
Read this page for how to compile source code.