
Run Android on your PC

NDK How-to

This page explains how to use NDK for android-x86
As the first step to support android ndk for Android-X86. we have created a prebuilt package for user to test. This wiki page explains how to use this ndk 1. download the ndk-x86.tgz from the download list
2. tar zxfv ndk-x86.tgz
3. cd ndk
4. build/
5. build something by using command like below:

make TARGET_PRODUCT=eeepc APP=hello-jni
Please send you questions to android-x86 discussion group. ( )


For the foryo, you don't need to download the tarball mentioned above. Here is the new steps:

You may just use the NDK shipped with froyo-x86 source tree.

To build the hello example,

cd ndk
./ndk-build -C samples/hello-jni
To build more complex examples like san-angles using OpenGL, you need to build the required system libs first since they are not in NDK prebuilt libs.

On top of froyo-x86 tree
. build/
lunch vm-eng (or any target you'd like)
m libGLESv1_CM
Then you can build the example by
cd ndk
./ndk-build -C samples/san-angeles
Then build the x86 apk by Eclipse or Ant as usual.